August 4, 2019
Give or take, thirty five funerals are being considered this morning. That's the second part of this post.
I got a little carried away today with rhetoric in response to how the Democrats may be shooting themselves in their collective feet with the debates that seem to be about knocking one another off instead of pitching to their constituents how they might fix our country.
So.. I wrote this today and have edited it and the only real suggestion for fixing anything is at the bottom of the page. The death tolls from Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton may rise today. Who's next? Tomorrow? And, there will be a sad tomorrow, until this epidemic is addressed and we work to fix it.
I've not had the heart to watch the debates. These politicians' snide remarks don't stab to the bone; they slice like a razor: opening up a wound that may never heal.
A Greeley friend asked whom I support (my pal, Tom Hayden was coiling for a debate)... and I said I'd vote for Al Franken. And, I would. Imagine an intelligent, effective, thoughtful and funny guy who would crash a press conference to pump up the volume and banter with those pesky reporters!
Sadly, we have a serious issue to face.
Good US citizens are rising. Our country is rising. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Parkland,
Gilroy.. El Paso.. and.. this very morning, 8/4/19.. in Dayton, Ohio: the NY Times reports nine shooting deaths. Are we so inured to death?
That's a troubling thought.
And, the sad answer may be yes.
Every report of a mass shooting (where more than three people die) emboldens another sick person with access to ammunition and a weapon to lock and load. Epidemic? This actually IS an epidemic of violence: it's a health issue.
Call the Center for Disease Control .
Call the director:
Robert R. Redfield (404) 639-3311
Maybe better? Write a snail mail to him:
1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333
Finding a cure to stem this tide of murder should be demanded by the White House.
And, by all of us.
Michael Sheehan
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