December 18, 2016
Last night on SNL, Kate McKinnon, as HRC, arrives at the door of a receptive young woman and with cards (ala Dylan in that rap thing he did, "Subterranean Homesick Blues" with lyrics on cards) states her case to the woman.. AN ELECTOR.. to vote for ANYONE ELSE.. AND LISTS a bunch of names including The Rock.. or A Rock. It was brilliant. A silent bit with cuts to the elector's responses which seem to be sympathetic and sad. It IS a sad situation for these citizens to have to do something so despicable as to possibly go against their consciences. Someone wrote that if DT murdered someone in front of the TTower with a hundred witnesses, the Electors would still be 'bound' to cast their ballots for him.
Send out the vibe for Electors to save our Nation. DO
SOMETHING! Hold a good thought. If you live in a capitol, head to the steps tomorrow.
Just be there. Show up! That is DOING SOMETHING!
My concern for the health of our nation is growing. I use the analogy of the 'fat lady' not singing and hope that fat people don't take offense. It's an old cliche. There's a story about Betty Garrett that uses that cliche that always makes me smile. Maybe I'll repeat it later. But, the fact is that it ain't over until it's over and for those who have seen a successful 'Hail Mary' pass or gotten doubles on the last roll of the backgammon dice when foolishly having redoubled or know what 'deus ex machina' is.. then.. I hope that there are enough electors with conscience and guts up (typo-ed 'gust!') to buck the system and do the right thing to fulfill the will of all of the people. Let the winds blow and crack their cheeks as these thoughtful citizens head to their state capitols to either plunge the United States into the abyss of ignorance or allow us to survive with diplomacy and kindness. Do they get parking comped? A croissant and some cocoa?
Did you see Rogue One? Did you stay awake? Can you spell the name of even one of the characters? Are you happy that so many industry folks made a living? I'm happy that folks are working, but have no idea how featuring dead people as alive (Peter Cushing! whom I did recognize, but don't know the character name) and introducing Carrie Fisher??? as Princess Leia with five seconds of screen time is good movie making. Zzzz.
The chayote shrinks, reminding me again of entropy and time and gravity.
December 18, 2016
Chayote 12/18/16
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