Day Seventeen
The Triangle Motel has been here at Verdugo and Eagle Rock for well over twenty years. I think it may be more a residential business than a motel in the traditional sense. I see big rigs parked on Verdugo, just around the corner from the Triangle now and then. I love this sign that states the obvious. There's a driving school and an air conditioner business right next to the motel as well as some apartments that face directly onto Verdugo. The 2 Freeway rumbles by almost directly above. I like the contrast of the angles of the freeway in the frame and the introduction of the alien creature from War of the Worlds (1953).

Spring was in the air. Today a little winter sneaks back in.
Today, I was reminded of a quote by Nietzsche: "One must still have chaos in oneself, to give birth to a dancing star." I first saw that quote several years ago in a thrift store on 8th Avenue in Greeley, Colorado. I'd found a copy of Richard Bach's Illusions. As I flipped through the familiar pages, two cards were discovered. One had the Nietzsche quote. The other had this by Picasso:
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
Suddenly, there was a little commotion at my feet. An Hispanic kid about seven literally slid on his knees excitedly up to the book case where the kids' books were on the bottom shelf. His parents didn't have English as a first language, but apologized for the kid being so excited. I looked at the two cards in my hand and handed them to the parents saying that I thought they should have them for their son. They didn't quite understand the reference, but took the cards anyway.
To see a kid excited about books is a joy. I hope this guy (who may be in high school by now) has retained his love of reading and may be making art as well.
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