Tom Paine starts The Crisis with "These are the Times that try mens' souls..." The world is up against it, but I have faith that the dumb people will maybe die a little and the smart people will stay away from the dumb people and life will go on. Recently, I realized that creativity is also under the quarantine. We are all tired and a little loopy.. loopier than we were before, being confronted with a brand new terror. Make no mistake, the television news wants us to tune in to see the results of the terror. Statistics that list recoveries I have not stuck around long enough to hear. I do know personally of friends who are victims and getting better every single day. Good news..
As our souls are tried and found flagging a bit, I had something happen recently that could have been damaging. Negativity. Practicality. What if?? What about??
When a creative person has an idea, that idea needs to be nurtured. No matter that smart adults can see the many holes in the idea.. unless there is a death at the end of the idea, shut up.. Ask questions and make positive suggestions. or, please, Just Shut UP! Shut up..
Spinning from an idea that was almost derailed by a well meaning pal, this true story came back to me. Take from it what you will. I like my story. It has a happy ending..
New Artwork that has only a little to do with this story |
This then is about practicality..
ago, I was cleaning the gutters on the back of my house.; walking on the
aluminum patio cover when, all of a sudden.. the patio released from
the edge of the house.. and down we fell! I rode it down, so it was sort of like a slide.. Bam!
guy that I am.. I decided that I had to put that thing back up by
myself. What I needed was a 'sky hook!'.. a hook that would be in the
sky to attach a block and tackle to to lift the 200 pounds or so up and
reattach it to the house. Of course there is no such a thing as an
actual 'sky hook' barring a giant crane or a helicopter to send down a
line to pull the patio cover back up.. I also had to redo the ledge that
the thing rested on.
Days pass. The outer edge of the cover is in place and holding.
pass. And, without telling the whole story.. I "invented" a sky hook,
attached it to the fallen patio cover, used a block and tackle to raise
it to the new ledge that I'd installed and with some luck and patience, I
screwed the thing back together!
is, of course.. bragging on my silly independence. With someone who
actually knew what they were doing, it would have been a one day job,
Zip Zap.. but. the satisfaction of doing it myself was the pay off.
essay all turns on "Practicality." Had I been practical, I'd have
hired the job done. But, with no one to deter me, the practicality took
a back seat to a "project" that still gives me great pleasure to recall
to memory.
this is as much to say, When someone has an idea.. That's the kernel of
any project. To nay say or offer ideas that may deter the idea is
wrong. It's okay to chime in with ways to make it work, even offer to
help.. but to deter an idea that may not seem practical.. is to stifle
creativity and the opportunity to witness a miracle.
be needing more than one miracle in the coming days not only in the
USA.. but in the World. This little story ends with a plea to find a
middle of the road person who might have thought that this president was
okay or voted for him to vote against Mrs. Clinton.. I was among
millions who thought our country could never elect a person with no
qualifications but bluster. We were wrong. Don't stifle creativity by
bringing up stuff that won't help the Blue Candidate. Find a way to
recruit intelligent folks and even those whom we may have dismissed in
the past. Do this to save our United States. Do this to save our lives. Do this
deliberately and consciously and, of course, with care. With love even.. Take them
to lunch. Just hope that enough smart folks see what's happening and
has happened and might happen. and will move to put our country back on the road
to kindness and consideration and success.
May 2, 2020