October 3, 2018
The memes and rancor on Facebook are not helping. A few folks ask 'what can we do?' and, of course, the answer is to encourage anyone you know who cares about our country, to find representatives in all levels of government, from the local neighborhood association to the national forum.. to find representatives... who have the best interests of our country at heart.
"At heart" is the key.. at least to me. We, in the West, tend to be competitive and argumentative and to stiffen our backs at a challenge. We fight. The 'heart' of the matter turns on the 45th president who seems to be at best inconsistent and at worst emotionally wonky. He condemns all criticism and FIGHTS back... gathering his 'base' in areas of the country where that 'fighting attitude' is still alive and not necessarily 'for' something, but against others. His 'base' seems to have been taught to hate: liberals, ethnic folks who are not 'white' and non Christians.
When I read the epithets on Facebook, I realize that the polarization of our United States has been encouraged. By whom? We can guess it's the rancor that comes with Civil Rights, Women's Equality and the fear of "the world will be as one," with thanks to John Lennon. Walls and 'national pride' and such are based on Fear. Fear that has been stirred up over years and years of making folks think that they will be left out.
I have compared our current situation to a game of Monopoly. When someone gets all the 'hot' real estate and is collecting rent like anything from the other players; ego kicks in and sometimes derision either subtle in a friendly game or even mean sometimes: The goal is Winning! The purpose of the game, of course, is to drive the other players into bankruptcy. To literally ruin the others and come out 'on top!' That's what some competition is all about, to some folks, anyway. Certainly, in national politics today.
We may forget that Our One Planet survives with cooperation, not with blockades.
It seems to me that the way that the White House is behaving is not in the best interests of our nation or the world. That said, it's time for U.S. citizens of good will to reach out to others who truly have everyone's best interests at heart and we may begin to wade out of the muck and mire and back onto solid ground. That means deliberately seeking out folks who may not share our own views: speak our same 'language.'
I have an idea that actual conversations... not FB memes or other truncated electronic communication... in person or even on the phone where there is a semblance of actual personal communication.. and some common ground to begin with.. real communication.. "Nice day, ain't it!".. or "How about them Dodgers?" And, then, to gently probe the tone and attitude of folks we may not fully agree with.. but. we probably might agree with about the weather or the Dodgers..
Then.. the 'adult' in the discussion makes an effort to make peace. Not in a superior way.. though we probably do tend to feel superior sometimes.. but in some other non-confrontational way. Good counselors do this with feuding couples. And, this is what we now have.. on a grand scale: two basic sides who are at odds: big time. Folks are upset, frustrated and some are just plain mad!
Brokering a way to harmony is not impossible. Name calling and nasty epithets, though they may let off steam, only make other folks upset, frustrated and .... mad!
When Reason starts to bubble up and our frustrations are mitigated by a voice that makes sense to everyone.. (Walter Cronkite where are you when we need you?) And, honest efforts are made to work together for the betterment of our society and even our selves.. then.. we might find the 'heart' of the United States again and 'peace will guide the planet ... and love with steer the stars..' with thanks to Ragny and Rado... fifty years ago.
October 3, 2018