
Thursday, November 21, 2013


Number 26.  November 21, 2013

A year ago last October, it was my goal to write a hundred entries in a year's time that would turn on personal interactions mostly with  clouds.  I thought that I could knock out one every few days and pontificate on the wonderfulness of where ever I happened to find some interesting images.  Obviously, that has not happened... Yet, I'll persist and maybe hit a hundred one of these days.

Today was a gray day in Glendale.  In the afternoon, some sunshine erupted briefly and some big old white cumulus shared some blue.  The huge pine tree across the street has been severely trimmed and the spiky leaves to the left are mysterious interlopers. (Actually, they are from my loquat tree!) The clouds got me repeating part of Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" to myself around the house, which is a little annoying after a few hours. Uh oh. there it goes again.   

It's a little hard to tell if anyone reads these posts.  If you have some cloud images that need narration, please post them .. like on Facebook and let me know?  The Land of Phosphors is quite the trip.  It would be fun to see other folks images. 

Michael Sheehan remembering November 22, 1963:
Fort Collins, Colorado .. Lunch time at Fort Collins High School.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Day 25

August 20, 2013

Things change. Life goes on and on for the rest of us.  This sign hangs outside the Mark Taper Forum.  A Parallelogram  by Bruce Norris closed there on Sunday. 
Norris examines life from a fatalistic POV and asks questions that are not necessarily comfortable, but in his play are at once deep and thoughtfully funny.  This theme of fatalism and ch - ch - ch - changes has a little Beckett and made me wonder about how much good all of us well intentioned folks actually do.  Are our efforts rewarded, or is this all just a big game, as Alan Watts discusses in his "The Book (on the taboo of knowing who you really are)?"

I get  deep into this stuff now and then and love it when art gives food for thought.  

My friend, Jill Bell,
was visiting in L.A. last week. She comes to see her family. When I'm lucky we may see some art or share a meal and just chat.  

So, we met at MoCA and saw Urs Fischer's destruction of the museum and some of my favorites from the permanent collection.  

After our visit, I strolled back to the Music Center and, as clouds have attempted to be a theme for these entries for me, I caught some forming just over the hills to the north.  After spending some time with the Rothkos at MoCA, I like the clouds and contrasts in this photo.

  Coaxing Jill back to California from her too long stay in Colorful Kansas is a goal.  

As summer's lease takes a hike, I can almost hear Sinatra singing "It Was A Very Good Year."  Saw him briefly with a Spanish accent starring with Cary Grant with no attempt at an accent except his own in The Pride and the Passion the other day. One reference leads to another and life goes on.  


Thursday, July 18, 2013


Day 24
July 18, 2013

Today Emily Hobson passed away.  
She had battled her cancer for a long time. A really long time.  Her family: mom Gloria, dad Gene, sister Lennon and brother Zack, along with  her Grumps and  Grandmother Gunn as well as many friends and relatives, including a famous one gave their support. 

A few days ago the doctor said that all that could be done was all that could be done.  Emily came home to Valencia/Santa Clarita to spend her last days with those who loved her most.  She married her best friend. There was cake and there were flowers.  

This photo was taken by Gloria Gunn-Hobson, Emily's mom.  

 I like clouds. Their beauty somehow helps a little with this passing of a bright young woman who died too soon.  

This is a tribute to Emily and to her family whom I love dearly.

Michael Sheehan